
Joe Dohn (NOPS CTF 2024)


This challenge from the Misc category was saying: “Is it me or there is a strange guy on the discord server ?”


Joining the Server

I went on the Discord server of the CTF, and found a guy named “Joe Dohn”. I sent him a message, and immediately he replied by inviting me to a private Discord server. Actually, Joe is not real person but a bot.


This private server has 2 channels: a general channel, and one dedicated to conversation with me.


Quickly, on the dedicated channel, Joe gives me the list of commands he understands:


Whenever you issue one of these commands, the result appears in the general channel. For example, !cat display an image of a cat on the general channel.


Struggling for a strategy

I struggled there for quite a long time, investigating several possibilities:

  • Was I meant to send the commands in a given order?
  • Was I meant to display a cat only if the dice number was even?
  • Was I meant to find a combination where I’d have an odd number and Tail?
  • Was there something hidden in the cat/fox images?
  • Etc

Whenever a team got the flag, a mention would be written in the general channel, so when that happened, I inspected what commands that person had issued. It didn’t tell me much…

A team mate noticed that some teams flagged when nothing had appeared on the general channel for a long time. So, we deduced that we had rather something to do on the private dedicated channel.

The private channel

There was a !send_secret command, but of course Joe would tell his secret.


I started by looking for potentially hidden commands: /help, !code, !say secret, !flag !help toss. I also imagined influencing a command: !roll 1, !roll 5. It was quite amusing, because at some point I thought I had an algorithm there: it would display the “opposite” number: !roll 1 would show 5, !roll 5 would give 1 etc… but of course then I noticed it didn’t work at all and that my alleged algorithm was completely random.

I also sent several messages with the !send_msg command. It was clear Joe got the message but didn’t care.


Happy End

At some point, in the same vein as arguments, I finally got the idea to chain commands, and I tried !send_msg !send_secret cryptax. And I received the flag :)


Though not very technical, this challenge was fun, and I could have thought of the solution faster.